Making a Good Impression in Your New Office Job
Starting a new office job can be exciting. There are lots of new things to learn and new colleagues to meet. First day nerves are common though, as it’s a new, unfamiliar environment. Here are seven tips to help you settle in and make a great impression on your new coworkers.
Show Interest in Colleagues
Take an interest in your colleagues in order to get to know them better. Avoid asking overly personal questions by sticking to work-related topics. Questions such as “How did you learn to do that?” or “What was the most interesting project you worked on?” can open up a conversation that makes your colleagues feel valued. You may even gain some insight about your new job.
Greet Your Team
Some new employees like to slip in and out of the office as quietly as possible, perhaps due to shyness or not wanting to disturb anyone’s work. However, it’s nice to start the day off by greeting your coworkers in the morning – and end the day on a high note by acknowledging them when you leave. It certainly isn’t necessary to go around the office and tell everyone personally, but a pleasant “Good morning” or “Have a good night” to those around you will create a more positive and approachable vibe.
Mind Your Language
When getting to know your colleagues, it can be easy to fall into the trap of trying too hard to fit in. Take some time to settle in before attempting to assert yourself or become the office jokester. Show respect and maturity by avoiding foul language, being too loud, or making too many jokes. Ensure topics of conversation won’t offend others or be viewed as immature. And save the story about your wild weekend until you’ve been there for a while.
Avoid Taking PTO Too Soon
Employees who immediately book time off can be viewed as seeming more interested in vacationing than their new role. It’s best to settle into your new job and obtain a copy of the PTO policy before requesting time off.
Be Considerate
If your new job has a dining area or allows you to eat at your desk, choose carefully which types of food to bring to work until you are familiar with the standards in your new office. For instance, while seafood or garlic-heavy dishes might be a tasty meal, circulating a strong aroma around the office space may rub some people the wrong way. Loud foods such as apples, chips, and gum can also be distracting – so it’s safer to choose foods that won’t interrupt anyone’s work.
Follow the Dress Code
One of the first things you should do after accepting a new job is become acquainted with the office dress code policy. Read the employee manual, and ask if there are any additional “unwritten rules” that might not be explicitly stated. Even in casual offices, don’t assume that ripped jeans or cropped tops will be acceptable. Some types of clothes may be considered inappropriate depending on your location, industry, and line of work. As a new employee it’s better to be too smart than too casual, so err on the side of caution until you have gotten used to what’s considered appropriate. And of course, ensuring your clothes are clean, ironed, and tidy will always go a long way.
With a little bit of planning, a positive approach, and common sense professionalism, you can make a great first impression when you start your new office job. Make the most of this opportunity by starting off on the right foot so you can settle in as quickly and smoothly as possible.