LinkedIn is more than just a social network – it’s a tool that can help you grow your business. If you are not using it to its full potential, you are missing opportunities to connect with new people, expand your network, and learn from other professionals who share similar interests or goals as yourself.
Why should you take advantage of what LinkedIn has to offer? Here are five reasons why you should use LinkedIn to promote your business:
- It helps you connect with potential customers
- It helps you find employees
- It can help you establish credibility as an expert in your field
- It can help you get free publicity for your business through influencer endorsements and recommendations.
- It can help you find new opportunities for partnerships
Now let’s look at some steps you can take to promote your business on LinkedIn.
Create a LinkedIn page for your business.
If you have not already created a business page for your brand, this is the first step to start building an audience on LinkedIn. Once your company has its own independent presence on the site, encourage others within your field or industry to visit it and “follow” the content you share there. You can do this using any number of promotional tools, including email marketing campaigns or even posters in local office buildings where potential clients might pass by them every day (and therefore see them multiple times).
Build a community of followers.
Every business needs a community, and LinkedIn can help you build one. You can connect with people you know, people interested in your business, people who have a connection to your business, or people who have a connection to other businesses relevant to yours. For example, you can connect with:
- employees of companies that use the same software as you.
- employees of companies that supply the materials you need for your products or services.
- employees of companies where customers commonly visit or shop (for example, hotels).
- individuals whose skills align with the skills required for your job openings.
LinkedIn is all about connections and building relationships with others with similar interests and goals. Use this to your advantage by creating groups based on topics relevant to your industry and encourage people to join them. These groups will help you build a community around your brand, which could lead to new partnerships or opportunities for growth down the line.
Build relationships with employees, leaders, and customers.
One of the most important things you can do as a business leader is build relationships with your employees and customers. Linkedin allows you to connect with people from all over the world with similar interests. This can help you find new customers for your business, or even find new employees for your company. How can you do this?
Get active in groups. Groups are one of the best ways to meet new people and engage with them. Join groups relevant to your industry and share content from other members in your feed or comment on other people’s posts.
Follow people who are influential in their field and you’ll have access to their updates and news, as well as their insights on topics related to your industry. If they follow back, you can send them direct messages with questions or comments about what they posted.
Network with people who work in different departments at your company. You might not have much in common with someone from finance or human resources, but there may be some overlap between what they do and what you do, which makes it easier for both of you to understand what each of you does for a living.
Document your company’s history.
Documenting your company’s history is an important part of presenting your business as a reliable partner to customers and suppliers. You can do this with a timeline, which you should include on your website, or with short stories about the milestones in your company’s history. For example, if you were to write about how product X came to be, who was involved in its creation, what challenges they overcome during development, etc. Such content gives people an idea of what it took to get to where you are today (and also helps them see that you’re not just another fly-by-nighter).
Cross-post content from your blog to LinkedIn.
LinkedIn is a professional network, so it’s not a good idea to post content that isn’t work-related. You can post content related to your business, but it should be professional. It’s also okay to share content related to your personal life or hobbies, as long as it doesn’t compromise your professionalism in any way.
You can even use LinkedIn to highlight what you have accomplished in the past and how it has helped shape who you are today. Post content that solves problems, too. If you create quality posts relevant to your followers (and their followers), they’re more likely to share them with their networks than if they were just being posted onto their profiles alone. This means more people will see it and engage with it
Post job openings.
Posting a job opening on LinkedIn is a great way to reach more people who may not follow you on other social media platforms. You can also use it to find the right candidates for your open positions. LinkedIn offers free tools for posting and reposting jobs, including a “jobs” tab that allows you to customize how your ad looks and where it appears (e.g. career sites, company pages). As a bonus, LinkedIn sometimes offers discounts when hiring through their platform. Just be sure the position is eligible before signing up!
Tracking down people on LinkedIn is not as easy as on Facebook, but the people on it are typically more engaged and have more professional success, so the payoff can be worth it.
LinkedIn is a powerful tool that allows business owners to connect more personally with their staff and customers. It’s also an opportunity for companies to share what they do and how they do it, giving insight into their culture.